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Local Leaders of Education (LLEs)

LLEs provide a range of school-to-school support including coaching and mentoring for head teachers.  If you are interested in support from any SCTSA LLE's please get in touch by emailing sussexcoasttsa@benfield.brighton-hove.sch.uk.

  • Sarah Clayton - Headteacher - St Mary's RC Primary School

    I have been the Head Teacher of a one-form entry primary school for 6 years and this has been my first substantive headship. Over the last 6 years, I have enjoyed supporting schools for a variety of different reasons but mainly to help them on their journey to improvement. Every experience has been extremely different but each one has taught me something new and helped me to further develop as a leader. Supporting leaders at all levels has always been a key part of my role in school improvement and I feel passionately about school-to-school support.

    I am currently working towards my NPQEL and this has definitely deepened my knowledge of strategic thinking and effective strategies when working in different settings.

    My areas of expertise are:

    • School Improvement Planning
    • Staffing Structures
    • Training of middle leaders
    • Strategic planning
    • Implementation of new initiatives
    • Motivating and developing staff
    • Catholic Education and Worship
    • Transition
    • Developing and enhancing school grounds and learning environments 
  • Shaun Collins - Headteacher - Brunswick Primary School

    Over the past 25 years, I have worked in primary, junior and middle schools in three different counties. During this time I have been part of school development at different leadership levels and have gained a clear understanding of what effective school development is.

    Areas of expertise include:

    • Developing effective leaders and leadership teams.
    • Knowledge of school improvement – moving a school from R.I. to Good.
    • Developing a clear vision for the school that is shared by the whole school community.
    • Embedding a strong and cohesive community ethos across the school that is shared by staff, pupils and parents and carers.
    • Effective and accurate evaluation of the quality of teaching and learning.
    • Working closely with parents, carers and other stakeholders to develop school core values and identity.
    • Knowledge and experience of successfully amalgamating schools.
    • Providing governors with relevant and detailed information in order to allow them to hold the school to account for its work.
    • Appropriate delegation, ensuring that people to whom activities have been delegated have, or can develop, the required skills.
    • Providing appropriate coaching/CPD for staff in order to bring about improved outcomes for pupils.
  • Madeleine Denyer - Headteacher - Stanford Infant School

    I have been Head Teacher at Stanford Infant School since 2011, having joined the school as Early Years Leader before becoming Assistant Head with responsibility for Teaching and Learning. My area of expertise is Early Years/Key Stage 1, developing children’s learning skills/mindsets through continuous provision. 

    I have always been committed to school improvement and supporting others to enhance the educational experiences and outcomes for children. I enjoy sharing best practice and exploring new ways of doing things. I endeavour to encourage others to take risks, challenge themselves and reflect positively on their achievements.

    During my time as Head Teacher, I have continued to lead by example and am never complacent, always looking for new ways of doing things. Without exception, my staff team are united in their pursuit of an ambitious vision. I enjoy the challenge of supporting others to improve their practice and work tirelessly to this end, to ensure every child receives the education they deserve. I believe it is a privilege to work with others and always welcome opportunities to visit other schools to share successful initiatives and collaborate in the best interests of children’s education now and in the future

  • David Etherton -St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School, Shoreham-by-Sea

    David has 16 years of headship experience and supported a range of schools and academies across three local authorities.  This has included schools facing a whole range of serious and significant challenges.  

    Over the last 13 years, David has taken his school on a journey from being a ‘First & Middle’ school to a primary, doubled it from 1FE to 2FE with a nursery and taken it from ‘special measures’ to ‘outstanding’ (and back to ‘good’!).  The school is currently judged ‘outstanding’ in all areas by SIAMS / Section 48 inspectors.  

    Areas of expertise include:

    • Vision and ethos
    • Governance and leadership at all levels
    • School improvement and self-evaluation
    • Curriculum and creativity
    • Staff development, restructuring and succession planning
    • Parental engagement
    • Finance, personnel and premises – including outdoors
    • Compliance
    • Collective worship and SMSC development
    • Multi Academy Trusts and Free Schools

    David’s passion is for children to love learning and love school whilst recognising the essential partnership of parents, professionals and the wider community.  He is a creative and innovative headteacher who enjoys both the granular detail and exciting whole school projects.

  • Wendy Harkness - Headteacher - West Hove Infant School

    Wendy has been a headteacher for 21 years in both West Sussex and Brighton & Hove schools.  All schools Wendy has worked in have been rated outstanding by Ofsted.  She has a masters degree in Curriculum Institutional Development Action Research. Wendy's areas of expertise are:

    • Developing systems to support
    • Crisis Management
    • Infant specialist
    • Management of Change
    • School Improvement Planning
    • Development of Distributive Leadership.
  • Damien Jordan - Headteacher - Fairlight Primary School

    I feel that I have relevant expertise to support and work with others having qualified as a teacher 23 years ago and having taught and led in a number of different schools across 3 local authorities and as Head for over 10 years in 2 challenging schools.

    This has given me a sense of perspective however I have still maintained my sense of excitement and fun of being a teacher and Headteacher.

    Schools supporting schools is something I feel passionate about. I feel strongly that those in challenging schools have lots to offer as they have to make it work in circumstances with a range of barriers and challenges.  In my experience improvements have to be relevant and tailored to individual situations.  Change also needs to take account of the day to day pressures that schools are under.  

    I have key areas of knowledge related to finances, systems and structures, SEN and Inclusion, Vision, Community, Pupil Voice, distributive leadership and most importantly learning.

  • Chris Taylor - Headteacher - Patcham Infant & Nursery School

    Chris has taught in 3 infant only schools for over 20 years in Brighton and Hove and has been Headteacher at Patcham Infant School and Nursery Class since 2014.
    Following the completion of a Post-Grad Certificate in leading the Early Years at Stanford Infant School (2002) he led the EYFS at Downs Infant School.
    Chris has also lead on assessment across EYFS and KS1 and has delivered training across Brighton and Hove in this area.
    Chris has led on the development of Building Learning Power and the work of Professor Guy Claxton within 2 schools; since taking up headship he has driven the Creative Curriculum agenda linking it closely to the importance of metacognition and self-regulation approaches to help pupils think about their own learning more explicitly.
    Areas of expertise:
     Early Years and Key Stage One
     Creative Curriculum development and planning
     Assessment – formative and summative
     Metacognition and Self-regulation approaches
     A rigorous and robust approach to learning and teaching building on the principles of EYFS
     Data has been used effectively to plan for interventions and focus of teaching
     Metacognition and self-regulation approaches have consistently high levels.

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