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New to Headship Programme

This is a developmental programme for colleagues who are relatively new to headship. It is suitable for Headteachers, Heads of School and Acting Headteachers.

It has run successfully this year with excellent feedback and was designed and facilitated by practicing Headteachers. The starting point for the programme design was the skills and knowledge needed for early headship.

The programme runs over six sessions and takes place in a different school each time. This enables participants to complete learning walks in each school.

This programme may be run again in 2021-22 please get in touch if you are interested.

New to Headship Programme flyer

Feedback from previous participants

The most useful aspects of the training were...

'Discussions and knowing others face the same challenges'

'Sharing difficulties and learning strategies to overcome them'

'Focussing on the ways to keep teaching & learning the main objective'

St P boys looking at picturesSt P drawingStP 3 children
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